Blog The Top Signs You Need a Professional Roof Inspection by GM Roofing & Property Services Nov 13, 2023

**The Top Signs You Need a Professional Roof Inspection by GM Roofing & Property Services**

Your roof is your home's first line of defense against the elements, a silent protector that bears the brunt of the weather year-round. However, just like any other part of your home, it requires maintenance to ensure its longevity and functionality. Sometimes a quick glance from ground level simply isn't enough to determine the state of your roof, and that's where the expertise of GM Roofing & Property Services comes in. Here are some top signs indicating that you need a professional roof inspection.

**1. Aging Roof**

Typically, roof systems are designed to last 20-25 years, depending on the materials used and the quality of the installation. If your roof is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, it's time to call GM Roofing & Property Services for an inspection. Even if you're not experiencing leaks or visible damage, an aging roof may have underlying issues that only a trained eye can spot.

**2. Visible Damage to Roof Tiles or Shingles**

If you notice that your roof tiles or shingles are missing, cracked, buckling, or curling, that's a clear signal you need an inspection. These symptoms can suggest underlying damage and may lead to leaks or further structural issues if left unattended. With GM Roofing & Property Services, our professional team can quickly assess and address these visible signs before they escalate into more significant problems.

**3. Water Stains on Ceilings or Walls**

Indoor signs can sometimes be your first clue that you have a roofing problem. If you observe water stains or discoloration on your ceilings or walls, it likely means water is infiltrating your home. An expert inspection from GM Roofing & Property Services will pinpoint the entry site and offer solutions to keep your home dry and mold-free.

**4. Sagging Roof**

A sagging roof is a serious concern and a giveaway that your roof needs immediate attention. This can be an indication of a weakened structure, perhaps due to long-term water damage or insufficient support. Our professionals at GM Roofing & Property Services can evaluate the extent of the sagging and determine whether your roof can be repaired or if a replacement is in order.

**5. Moss or Algae Growth**

While moss or algae on your roof might not be an immediate threat, their presence can deteriorate roofing materials over time. During our comprehensive inspection process, GM Roofing & Property Services will assess the growth and provide recommendations on how to clean and protect your roof from these unwanted guests.

**6. Rising Energy Bills**

An unexpected increase in your energy bills may be tied to your roof's performance. Poor attic ventilation or insulation can lead to heat loss in the winter or excessive heat absorption in the summer. A professional roof inspection can get to the root of the issue, ensuring that your roof contributes to your home's energy efficiency.

**7. After Severe Weather Events**

Post-storm roof inspections are paramount. High winds, heavy rain, hail, or accumulation of snow and ice can all cause unforeseen damage. GM Roofing & Property Services is equipped to conduct thorough inspections after severe weather events, providing peace of mind and any necessary urgent repairs to your roof.

Proactive roofing maintenance is the best way to preserve the integrity of your home, and recognizing when to contact GM Roofing & Property Services for a professional roof inspection is essential. Don't wait for a small problem to evolve into an expensive overhaul. If you're experiencing any of these top signs, it's time to reach out to the experts. For excellent service and unparalleled roofing expertise, trust GM Roofing & Property Services to keep you covered.

Ready to get started? Book an appointment today.